
有識者ボイス&メッセージ学校教育におけるデジタル教科書、教材の普及に向けた活動を 発表するシンポジウムの模様を配信しています。

【DiTTへのメッセージ】アラン・ケイ Alan Kay





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<以下 メッセージ書き起こし原文>

Thank you for inviting me to talk to your conference.
I'm excited that Japan has decided to create a digital textbook and teaching process for its children. I've been very interested in this idea since the 1960s, and it has yet to be done well despite all of the personal computing technologies that have been invented since then. Why is this?
I think it is partly because computers were originally aimed at adults and I think that video games were aimed at children. I think it's partly because almost all the media that has been put on computers is old media, imitated by computers for convenience but none of what's new about computing has actually been done.
And in the US at least, it's because education here has been very conservative and very late about making needed changes in curriculum and how to best help children learn using the new tools we have.
So, again in the US, this has lead to the biggest mistakes about using computers in education; that is just to try to put on versions of old media that we have been using the last 100 years!
Another misconception in the US is that education is primarily about “information” and “facts”- how to remember them, how to find them,how to save them. This has been carried through into the digital media. And, this has led many schools also to a very bad idea, which is to use cellphones-sized devices that you can get facts on but not good for literacy.
We also generally don't understand what needs to be accomplished on computer devices to foster fluent reading - for example, most of the displays that is used today actually interfere in one way or another with eye movements, legibility, and other aspects of reading.
This gives us the worst of both worlds - not just the old media, but old media that is more difficult to read and use.
Even more important, in the US there is little understanding of what should be done to help children learn what they will need in the 21st century. To say it as a question: what do children need, and how can we help them?
The better we can answer these questions, the better we can say just what kinds of computing will help children the most. The most important idea about computers is that they can be made into any kind of computer we can imagine. If our imagination is limited, then we'll wind up with limited forms and uses of computing. If our imagination can be expanded, then we can make computers that go far beyond the conceptions of today. The key idea here is that our expanded imagination can change an existing computer into a better one. This is what can be done by software through better design. The philosopher Marshall McLuhan once pointed out that “Most people can only see the present through the past”, and this means their conception of the future is also limited by their past and present. we have to get beyond this. This gives rise to interest in “trends”. And it has given rise to educational processes in the US that are strongly rooted in the past and in apparent trends in the present. But many jobs and ideas today didn't event exist 30 years ago. Those who were only prepared for 30 years ago are struggling today.
So, education really needs to prepare us for learning powerful ideas; not just those of the past, but those which will appear. Education really needs to prepare us for our future and our work, not just that of the past, but that which will appear.
This means that children will need to do much more than remember. They will need to really understand things, and they will need to learn the fundamental processes of thinking and learning. And, this is where what is special about the computer and world-wide networks become so important. Yes,they can carry all past media in a very convenient and inexpensive way.
This is a “trend” we do have to pay attention to. But much more important is that the computer is also the material for the dynamic representations of modern ideas in society, science, mathematics, engineering,and philosophy.
It allows us to capture more of our important ideas and issues in more ways, and to help us think about them more deeply, not just by contemplation but by actual experiment.
And because we can also make tutoring processes,our new computers can help us understand the new knowledge in active ways and help the teachers to help us.
Just as the printed book transformed our current civilizations, what the imaginative uses of computers can do will start transforming our future civilization. And it will do this one child at a time. Now is the time to start. And now is the time to for society to understand what this means. Thank you very much.



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